CSE591 Programming for Multicore Processors

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MATLAB Resources

MATLAB Parallel and Distributed Tools

MATLAB Parallel Toolbox

MATLAB Distritbuted Computing Toolbox

-Perform MATLAB and Simulink computations on computer clusters and server farms


-Using SystemTest 2, Engineers Can Tap the Power of High-Performance Computing to Accelerate System Simulation and Testing
-“Multicore, multiprocessor technology has advanced at a rapid pace in recent years, providing tremendous opportunity to the engineers and system designers who can find effective ways to harness its potential,” said Brett Murphy, technical marketing manager for verification, validation, and test at The MathWorks. “With SystemTest 2, we’re enabling our customers to apply the power of computing clusters to their verification and validation efforts, resulting in time and quality gains bound only by the number of processors they can access.”
-U.S. list price starts at $2,000. U.S. list prices start at $1,000 for Distributed Computing Toolbox and $6,000 for MATLAB Distributed Computing Engine.

Term: FALL 08 Name: CSE 591 Section: 87801 Instructor: Course ID: 87801 Location:

Textbook requirements have not yet been determined for this course. You will have the option to select whether or not to add materials if they become available.