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JFlashMM is executed from a console window and accepts the following command arguments:


PLAT and IMAGE are required parameters.

For optional parameters, the first value listed is the default. Optional parameters are position-dependent. That is, if you specify any optional parameters, all the preceding parameters must be specified. See Programming a Flash at a Different Base Address and Using Debug Mode for examples that illustrate the use of optional parameters.


[PLAT] = The name of the platform data file without the .DAT.

[IMAGE] = The name of the image to program in flash.

[P,V,E,T,I,N] = See Function Table below

[ADDR] = Hex byte address to start. No leading 0X, assumes 0

[INS, PAR] = (INS) Insight IJC and Intel® JTAG Cable, (PAR) passive parallel cable

[NOD, DEB] = NODebug (Normal) or DEBug mode

[A,D] = (A)sk questions or (D)on’t ask questions. Used for batch operation.

Note: JFLASHMM is the executable name in this example.

Function Table

Command Parameter Description
P Program and verify the flash memory (Default value if no command specified).
V Verify the image in flash memory with a binary file.
E Erase every block of flash memory.
T Test the flash memory by programming an image to every block. It is recommended that you use Testfile.bin as the binary image. Testfile.bin is a small file with internal data patterns suitable for detecting address or data line defects.
I Identify the processor and flash type. No programming of flash memory is done.
N Program the flash but omit (skip) the verify cycle. Use this when you are confident about the stability of your system