JFlashMM is executed from a console window and accepts the following command arguments:
PLAT and IMAGE are required parameters.
For optional parameters, the first value listed is the default. Optional parameters are position-dependent. That is, if you specify any optional parameters, all the preceding parameters must be specified. See Programming a Flash at a Different Base Address and Using Debug Mode for examples that illustrate the use of optional parameters.
[PLAT] = The name of the platform data file without the .DAT. [IMAGE] = The name of the image to program in flash. [P,V,E,T,I,N] = See Function Table below [ADDR] = Hex byte address to start. No leading 0X, assumes 0 [INS, PAR] = (INS) Insight IJC and Intel® JTAG Cable, (PAR) passive parallel cable [NOD, DEB] = NODebug (Normal) or DEBug mode [A,D] = (A)sk questions or (D)on’t ask questions. Used for batch operation.
Note: JFLASHMM is the executable name in this example.
Function Table
Command Parameter
Program and verify the flash memory (Default value if no command specified).
Verify the image in flash memory with a binary file.
Erase every block of flash memory.
Test the flash memory by programming an image to every block. It is recommended that you use Testfile.bin as the binary image. Testfile.bin is a small file with internal data patterns suitable for detecting address or data line defects.
Identify the processor and flash type. No programming of flash memory is done.
Program the flash but omit (skip) the verify cycle. Use this when you are confident about the stability of your system